Eligibility: In order to be eligible for the CNN Heroes Awards Program (the “Awards Program”), nominees must be at least thirteen (13) years of age or older as of December 10, 2023 and some portion of nominee’s activities must have taken place on December 10, 2023 or be ongoing, and nominees can not have previously been selected as a CNN Hero Finalist or Winner (“Eligible Nominees”). CNN Heroes may be nominated as set forth herein or chosen by CNN. Nominations submitted in prior years of the Awards Program which meet all requirements of these legal disclosures will also be considered Eligible Nominees. People submitting nominations (“Nominator(s)”) must be at least thirteen (13) years of age as of December 10, 2023. The Awards Program is open to Eligible Nominees worldwide who are citizens of countries other than Voided Countries (defined below). Citizens of Voided Countries are ineligible to enter or win. In addition to those countries set forth on the list below, the Awards Program is also void in those countries where the Awards Program, its mechanisms, its Terms and Conditions and/or its awards or any part(s) of them are prohibited by any applicable law, regulation, guideline or ordinance (“Voided Country”). CNN may determine in its sole discretion at any time during the Awards Program that a country is a Voided Country. At any time, at CNN’s discretion, a Nominee may be deemed ineligible for nomination or participation in the Awards Program, be deemed ineligible to receive a monetary prize under the Awards Program or have the monetary prize otherwise due such person as part of the Awards Program (if any) donated to a charitable organization selected by CNN in its sole discretion. Employees, and their immediate family members, of (1)WarnerMedia, LLC and its subsidiaries; (2) sponsors of the Awards Program; and (3) advertising and promotional agencies directly involved in the Awards Program (the “Awards Program Entities”) are not eligible to participate in the Awards Program or submit nominations. Cable News Network, Inc. (“CNN”) and the sponsors of the Awards Program shall herein be collectively referred to as the “Sponsors”.

Nominations: To submit your nomination for the Awards Program log on to www.cnnheroes.com and fill out the submission form providing all required contact information for you and your nominee. Nominations MUST be submitted online. Mail-in nominations will not be accepted. Nominations must be submitted on behalf of another person. Self-nominations will not be accepted. Nominations must be received no later than 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on July 31, 2024. Nominations must be submitted in English only. Nominations may only be submitted in the name of a single person; group nominations are not acceptable. False or deceptive nominations or acts may render a nominee ineligible. All nominations become the property of CNN and will not be returned. CNN reserves the right to edit the nomination as it sees fit for use in publication or promotion. By submitting a nomination you agree to grant Sponsors the right without obligation, unless prohibited by law, to use the contents of your nomination, your name, voice, picture and likeness, without compensation, for the purpose of advertising and publicizing all matters related to the Awards Program and/or the Sponsors in any medium, throughout the world in perpetuity.

Privacy: Nominees may be contacted to provide additional information and have their information verified. CNN reserves the right to request and require additional information from nominees in order to have their nomination considered.

For our international users, please be aware that the information you submit when registering for our services is collected in the United States of America. In addition to being subject to our privacy policy located at www.cnn.com/privacy, the collection, storage, and use of your data will be subject to U.S. laws and regulations, which may be different from the laws and regulations of your home country. By registering for this program, you are consenting to this collection, storage, and use.

Judging for the CNN Heroes Award: CNN will choose each CNN Hero from all Eligible Nominees and eligible individuals chosen to be profiled by CNN as CNN Heroes (“Hero” or “Heroes”). Heroes deemed solely by CNN to meet the requirements set forth herein may be presented online and on-air for public viewing and some may be subject to voting for the CNN Hero Award. It is in CNN’s sole discretion to determine which Heroes advance to the voting phase.

• A CNN Review Panel (the “Panel”) will select ten (10) potential finalists (the “Finalists”) and an alternate from the group of Heroes.

• The final round of judging will be done by an online viewer vote conducted on www.cnnheroes.com. Viewers will have the chance to vote in an online poll for the CNN Hero Finalist whose accomplishment, impact and story best exemplifies a CNN Hero. The Finalist who collects the most votes will be the potential winner of the CNN Hero of the Year Award (the “Winner”). The Winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony.

Please note that even if a Finalist may appear to be a leader or Winner online during the online voting, that Finalist has not yet been declared the Winner. CNN shall declare all official Winners. All Finalists are subject to verification by CNN and must meet all eligibility requirements including the execution and return of all necessary releases, or they may be disqualified. The decisions of the Panel will be final and binding. If more than one nomination is received for a particular Eligible Nominee, CNN, in its sole discretion may consider any of the nominations for that individual in its judging. Whether a nominator is identified and which nominator is identified, if there are multiple nominations for one individual, is in the sole discretion of CNN. CNN is not bound by any voting or judging mechanism set forth herein as it maintains sole discretion to name Finalists and Winners and provide awards.

Notification and Publication:

• Some nominees may be notified by phone, email, or postal service and may be required to submit additional information. At the sole discretion of CNN, Finalists may be asked to attend the awards ceremony (“Awards Ceremony”). If asked to attend the Awards Ceremony, Finalists will be responsible for obtaining all proper documentation (e.g., Visa, Passport) prior to travel. Whether or not compensation will be provided for any portion of such travel will be in CNN’s sole discretion. A Finalist may be disqualified at CNN’s discretion if he/she chooses not to or is unable to attend the Awards Ceremony.

• Finalists and any Hero to be featured online or on-air may be required to sign an affidavit verifying their eligibility in this Awards Program including, but not limited to, liability releases, tax acknowledgment forms and, except where prohibited by law, use of name and likeness releases (“Release Documents”) and return such documents within seven (7) days of issuance of notification. Execution of the Release Documents will grant Sponsors the right, unless prohibited by law, to use the individuals’ names, voices, likenesses, and any of the material provided by them or about them without compensation, for the purpose of advertising and publicizing the services of the Sponsors, all matters related to the Awards Program and the Awards Ceremony in any medium, throughout the world in perpetuity. Notification and/or the featuring of a Hero in no way conveys that a particular Hero has or will be selected as a Winner. If at any point a Hero becomes ineligible, chooses not to participate in the Awards Program or is disqualified for any reason, CNN reserves the right to select an alternate Hero.


• 10 Finalists: Each Finalist will receive Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000)

• 1 Winner: The Winner will receive One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00)

Taxes: Finalists and Winner are responsible for the reporting and payment of all taxes as well as any other costs and expenses associated with acceptance and use of an award not specified herein as being awarded. A Finalist or Winner who is a United States citizen or resident must properly complete Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form W-9 and provide to CNN prior to receiving an award. Payment to a Finalist or Winner who is not a US citizen or resident may be subject to a US withholding tax, which may be as much as 30% of the award. Additional documents may also be required prior to the provision of any award, including but not limited to IRS Form W-8BEN in the case of any Finalist or Winner who is not a US citizen or resident. Please consult your tax advisor regarding the taxation of your award since special rules may apply.

General: If, for any reason, the Awards Program is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond the control of the Sponsors which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Awards Program, CNN reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Awards Program. Sponsors assume no responsibility for any error, omissions, interruption, deletion, defect or delay in operation with transmission, communications, line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or allegation of submissions. Sponsors are not responsible for any problem or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, equipment or software, failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, phone lines, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to a participant’s computer related to or resulting from participation in this Contest. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY A PARTICIPANT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEBSITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE AWARDS PROGRAM IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SPONSORS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.

Sponsors are not responsible for any late, lost, garbled, misdirected, incomplete, or damaged entries; any disruptions, injuries, losses or damages caused by events beyond the control of Sponsors; or any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with the Awards Program. The Awards Program Entities are not in any way responsible or liable for the use of the funds donated or for any damage, loss or injury (including death) resulting from participation in the Awards Program and/or acceptance and use of any awards won.

Voided Countries:


Brunei Darussalam






South Pacific Islands

Federated States of Micronesia

Pacific Islands Trust


Papua New Guinea

Sri Lanka


And all countries currently under sanction by the OFAC.

For complete and up-to-date information about U.S. Sanctions Programs, administered by the OFAC (the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control) please see https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-sanctions/sanctions-programs-and-country-information.